Does posting to your Wix blog help with SEO?

Updated: Mar 1

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a digital marketing strategy that will push your website to the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). Generally speaking, the higher the position that you receive in the SERPs, the more traffic your website will generate. The placement of your website within the search engines is determined by your site's SEO ranking. Blog posts through Wix Blog SEO that are better optimised for SEO will receive a higher ranking than those that don't use any SEO tactics.

High SEO websites are considered to be more legitimate and of a higher authority than low SEO sites, which is why they are favoured by search engines such as Google. If you want to drive more traffic to your website and receive higher conversion rates, it is vital that you use strategies that will increase your SEO and become a high authority site in the eyes of Google.

If you have used (or are planning to use) Wix to build your website, there are plenty of ways in which you can optimise your website content for SEO purposes. While there are a number of SEO strategies available, choosing the most effective ones can be the difference between a site that ranks well in the SERPs and a site that falls to the bottom.

Many people will already be aware that Wix blog sites can be optimised for search engines. Wix comes with a tool that enables you to build a blog on your existing Wix website, yet many people are unaware of how much their website blog could be impacting their SEO. If you are struggling to improve your website's SEO score or need to increase the number of people who visit your website, the blog section of your site could be where things need to be tweaked. So, does posting to your Wix blog help with SEO? And if so, how can you use your Wix blog to improve SEO?

Does posting to your Wix blog help with SEO?

It is possible to improve the SEO score of your website by posting to your Wix blog, however, the effect that your blog will have on your SEO rating will depend on the type of content that you post and the strategies that you use when posting.

Remember, SEO rankings are largely down to how authoritative your site appears to Google. If your Wix blog is filled with confusing, low-quality or spam content, it will not improve your SEO score and could make it worse. This is a big problem for blogs that use black hat SEO (techniques which go against the Google Guidelines) link building as a strategy, as this method of SEO is not favoured by Google and could be detrimental to your SERP (Search Engine Results Page) ranking.

If you use favoured SEO methods and post content that is valuable, high-quality and appropriate for your reader, then your Wix blog could be used to improve the SEO score of your website. You can make the most of your blog posts by using Wix's advanced SEO features, which is a great way to drive targeted traffic to your website.

How to improve your SEO using your Wix blog

Post frequently

Before getting into the different methods that can be used to improve the SEO of your website, it is important that you are posting to your blog on a regular basis. Blogs that upload regular content are considered more relevant by the SERPs, as they are clearly in use and receiving regular updates. You should aim to blog around 3-5 times a month, or more if this is possible. The more high-quality content which connects to your target audience on an emotional level that you have in your blog, the higher your chances will be for receiving website traffic. The important thing is to be regular and consistent. Set your own frequency, no matter if that is once a month, once a week or multiple times per month, be consistent.

If your existing blog posts are already trusted by Google and it appears within the top ten results, it will most likely be because your blog content answers a question that has been typed into the search bar. You should aim to have content that answers all major questions that your target audience may ask about the services you offer or products you sell so that you have a good chance of appearing in the SERPs when they type the question into Google. A great little tool for finding all the questions your target audience ask about your industry is Answer The Public. Just search your industry and it will bring up enough questions to keep you blogging for a while.

Optimising your Wix blog posts

Once you have done your research to find that great blog post title which your potential customer want to read and need to know, and you have written the content to match your website visitors intent and connect with them on an emotional level, the next step is to add your new blog post to your Wix blog.

Wix blog includes number of SEO features as standard that will help to boost your SEO score for each blog post. When you are click the 'Create New Post' button and you have added your title, copy and any images and videos into the editor, you now need to ensure your post is fully SEO-friendly.

On the article itself...

  • Make sure you format your blog post correctly so it does not just look like a massive wall of text by including sub-headings and bullet points.

  • Click the cog icon when you on your images and set the ALT text to what is in the image. In other words, write a short description of what the image is about.

  • Set all your sub-headings to H2 tags.

  • Link any reference points to related internal pages.

  • Include a call-to-action at the bottom of your blog post and tell your audience what you want them to do next.

In the SEO features...

  • Click the SEO icon down the left.

  • Change the URL slug to the main keyword you want to target ensuring you add a hyphen between each word.

  • Add a title tag which will appear as the link your audience will click on when they perform a related search on Google. Make it around 60 characters long and is an overview of your blog post.

  • Add a meta description. Make sure it connects with your audience so they 'want' to click on your website rather than any of the other websites. Ensure this does not exceed 160 characters as if it does Google will not show it.

So, does posting to your Wix blog help with SEO? If done right with the right blogging and SEO strategy, 100%, yes!

A Wix blog is a fantastic tool to use for your SEO strategy. Blog posts answer questions, which means that they are more likely to appear in general search results than other website pages. Implementing a good SEO strategy can be time-consuming, especially if the process is new to you! If you would like to learn advanced SEO strategies on how to optimise the pages on your Wix blog, check out our Wix SEO Course and take your knowledge to a whole new level.