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WIX SEO TOOLS: The ultimate feature list

Wix SEO Tools

Wix is a robust and fully-featured content management system that makes designing and publishing a website simple and straightforward for anyone, regardless of previous experience. You don't need any technical knowledge or coding experience to launch a website through Wix. But just because your website is live and available online doesn't mean it will generate any traffic. With hundreds of millions of websites competing for users' attention, standing out online isn't easy. If you want people to find your website, you need to be visible in search engines.

Wix offers a range of SEO tools that enable users to monitor their website's performance and ensure all the essential SEO components are in place for every page. Below, we have compiled a list of the key features of Wix's SEO tools. These features ensure that Wix websites are optimised for search engines and visible on results pages.

30 Wix SEO tools you need to know about

  1. Robots.txt Editor: Picture the Robots.txt Editor as the polite butler of your website, welcoming some guests and gently ushering others away. It allows you to customise the instructions in your robots.txt file, a critical document that tells search engine bots which parts of your website to crawl and which to bypass. It's invaluable for controlling access to sensitive or duplicate areas of your site, thereby managing your website's visibility and SEO health. To use it, head to your Wix dashboard, click on "Settings", find the "SEO" section and select "Edit robots.txt". Here, you can tailor instructions for different search engine bots according to your needs.

  2. Structured Data Markup: Imagine structured data markup as your website's very own tour guide, providing detailed information to search engines about your site's content. It utilises specifications to create a rich snippet of information, which can significantly enhance your visibility in search engine results, boosting click-through rates. To use this, go to your Wix dashboard, click on "Settings" and find the "SEO" section. Here, you can add structured data to your site using the structured data tool. Remember to follow JSON-LD format guidelines to ensure correct implementation.

  3. Server Side Rendering (SSR): Consider SSR the swift courier of your website, delivering pre-rendered content from the server directly to your users. It eliminates unnecessary latency, ensuring your website loads quickly. Fast loading times improve user experience, reduce bounce rates, and subsequently enhance SEO rankings. Fortunately, Wix takes care of SSR for you. It's automatically integrated into your Wix site, no action required on your part!

  4. URL Customisation: Think of this tool as the signpost of your website. It helps you to create clean, descriptive URLs for each of your website's pages. A well-crafted URL gives both users and search engines clear, concise information about the page's content, improving navigability and SEO performance. You can customise your URLs by going to the "Pages" menu on the Wix Editor, selecting a page, clicking on "Page SEO", and then editing the "URL Slug".

  5. Custom Meta Tags: Picture custom meta tags as the sales pitch for your website's individual pages. These hidden snippets of text provide search engines with a concise summary of your page's content. Well-written meta tags can entice users to click on your site when it appears in search engine results, driving traffic and boosting SEO. To customise your meta tags, go to the "Pages" menu on the Wix Editor, select a page, click on "Page SEO", and then edit the "SEO Title" and "SEO Description".

  6. Canonical Tags: Canonical tags are the wise sages of your website, clarifying confusion and restoring order. When you have similar or duplicate content spread across multiple URLs, these tags tell search engines which version is the 'master copy' to index. This can help you avoid penalties for duplicate content and keep your SEO performance sparkling. You can set canonical tags by navigating to the 'SEO' tab in your 'Page Settings' on Wix, and setting the 'Canonical URL' to the page you'd like search engines to prioritise.

  7. Social Sharing Optimisation: Picture this tool as your site's glamorous personal stylist, ensuring it always looks its best on the social media red carpet. It lets you customise how your site appears when its content is shared on platforms like Facebook or Twitter. Catchy titles, compelling descriptions, and engaging images can all boost clicks and shares. To optimise social sharing, go to 'Social Share' in your 'Page Settings' on Wix, and dress your page up with an attractive title, description, and image.

  8. SEO Settings: SEO Settings act as your website's compass, pointing you in the direction of superior visibility and search engine performance. Here, you can adjust a plethora of elements, from meta tags and canonical URLs to robots.txt rules and social share info. Plus, it provides a checklist and helpful tips to guide your optimisation efforts. To use this comprehensive tool, head over to the 'SEO Tools' section in the 'Settings' of your Wix dashboard, and fine-tune each element to your heart's content.

  9. Dynamic XML Sitemaps: Imagine your Dynamic XML Sitemap as a detailed map of a bustling city, outlining every street, park, and landmark—in this case, every page of your website. It guides search engine bots, helping them find and index your content efficiently, even when new pages are added. The good news is, Wix automatically creates and updates this map for you, ensuring search engines always have the latest blueprint of your site.

  10. Bulk 301 Redirects: Think of Bulk 301 Redirects as the efficient traffic management system of your site, redirecting users and search engines from old URLs to new ones smoothly. It's invaluable when you're moving from another platform or reorganising your site's structure, as it helps preserve your SEO rankings and provides a seamless experience for returning visitors. You can manage 301 redirects by going to 'SEO Tools' in the 'Settings' of your Wix dashboard, and then selecting 'URL Redirect Manager' to add, modify, or remove redirects.

  11. Bot Log Reports: Imagine Bot Log Reports as your own detective squad, sleuthing around your website, noting how often search engine bots visit and index your pages. This invaluable tool offers insights into your site's SEO performance, helping you identify any pages search engines might be missing. However, as of my knowledge cut-off in September 2021, Wix does not provide native bot log reports. Still, you can use Google Search Console to monitor Google's crawlers' activity on your site.

  12. Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and Caching: CDN and Caching are the high-speed trains of your website, delivering content to users quickly, no matter where they are in the world. A CDN is a network of servers spread globally, each storing cached versions of your content. This ensures your users access your site from the nearest server, leading to faster load times, improved user experience, and better SEO rankings. Wix automatically incorporates CDN and caching for your site, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the speed!

  13. Image Optimisation: Think of Image Optimisation as your website's personal fitness trainer, ensuring your images are in the best shape for optimal performance. It helps reduce image file sizes without compromising on quality, ensuring faster page load times. Wix automatically optimises your images, but you can further enhance SEO by adding descriptive alt text. Simply select an image in the Wix Editor, click on 'Settings', and add your alt text.

  14. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) for Wix Blog: AMP is like the sprint athlete of your website on mobile devices, loading content at lightning speed. This is especially beneficial for blog posts, delivering them quickly to mobile users, reducing bounce rates, and potentially boosting your site in mobile search rankings. To enable AMP for your Wix Blog, go to the Wix Dashboard, select 'Settings' for your blog, and toggle on the AMP option.

  15. Mobile-friendly: A Mobile-friendly website is like a chameleon, seamlessly adapting to its environment—in this case, different device screens. Wix provides automatic mobile optimisation, ensuring your site looks great and works perfectly on any device, improving user experience, and enhancing your SEO rankings. You can customise your mobile view by switching to 'Mobile View' in the Wix Editor and adjusting elements as needed.

  16. SEO APIs for Developers: Envision the SEO APIs as magical spells at a developer's disposal, enabling them to manipulate and enhance the SEO features of a Wix website programmatically. These tools offer developers the power to customise SEO efforts on a granular level, from meta tags and structured data to URLs and redirects, leading to a more refined SEO strategy. To use these tools, one would need to navigate to Wix's 'Corvid' development platform and utilise the provided SEO APIs in their site's code.

  17. Google Business Profile integration: Imagine this as the golden ticket that secures your website's VIP seat on Google's Business Profile. It allows you to manage your business information across Google Search and Maps directly from your Wix dashboard, making it easier for local customers to discover you. To use this, go to 'Marketing Tools' in your Wix dashboard, click on 'SEO Tools', and then 'Google Business Profile'. Follow the prompts to either create a new profile or connect an existing one.

  18. Google Domain Verification: Think of this tool as your site's passport, verifying your website's identity with Google and granting access to Google's suite of tools, like Google Search Console. This verification boosts your site's credibility and enables you to monitor your site's performance in Google Search results. To verify your domain with Google, go to 'SEO Tools' in your Wix dashboard settings, click on 'Google Search Console', and follow the instructions.

  19. Site Verification: Site Verification is like your website's ID card, confirming its authenticity to various search engines and unlocking a wealth of insights about your site's performance. While Google is a significant player, it's also beneficial to verify your site with other engines like Bing and Yandex. In Wix, you can add meta tags from these search engines to your homepage via the 'SEO Tools' section in 'Settings'.

  20. SEO Setup Checklist: Consider this checklist as your trusty map, guiding you through the terrain of Wix's SEO settings. It offers step-by-step instructions to help optimise your site for search engines, from connecting a domain and adding site keywords to promoting your site. To access this checklist, go to 'Marketing Tools' in your Wix dashboard, click on 'SEO Tools', and then 'Get Found on Google'. This will launch Wix's SEO Wiz, which will guide you through the checklist.

  21. Tracking Events: Think of Tracking Events as your website's personal marine biologist, documenting every interaction users have with your website. Whether it's a button click, form submission, or a purchase, tracking these events helps you understand your audience better, optimise your site, and create more targeted marketing campaigns. You can set up event tracking in Wix by navigating to 'Marketing Integrations' in your Wix dashboard, selecting Google Analytics, and enabling the events you want to track.

  22. Wix Analytics: Wix Analytics is your website's submarine, providing a detailed look at your site's performance beneath the surface. It delivers key metrics like visitor demographics, traffic sources, and user behaviour, equipping you with data to make informed SEO decisions. To access Wix Analytics, simply click on 'Visitor Analytics' from your site's dashboard to view your website's statistical treasure trove.

  23. SSL Certificate Validation: SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certificate Validation is your site's protective shark cage, providing a secure environment for your visitors. Not only does it encrypt the data exchanged between your website and its users, but it also boosts your credibility and SEO ranking, as search engines favour secure sites. All Wix sites come with an SSL certificate—just make sure your site's connection is set to HTTPS in your site's dashboard settings under 'Security'.

  24. SEO for Multilingual Sites: This tool is like the multilingual dolphins of your website, communicating effectively with different audiences. It enables you to optimise your site in multiple languages, helping you reach a broader audience and rank well in different regional search engines. To set this up on Wix, activate the Multilingual tool from your site's settings, add your desired languages, and then customise the SEO for each language version of your site.

  25. Site Inspection Tool: The Site Inspection Tool is your underwater drone, inspecting your site for any SEO problems that might be lurking beneath the surface. It helps you identify and fix issues that could be hurting your site's performance on search engines. To use this tool, you'll need to connect Google Search Console to your Wix site. Once connected, you can use the URL Inspection Tool in Search Console to explore and resolve SEO issues.

  26. Lumar (DeepCrawl) Integration: Consider Lumar (DeepCrawl) your website's personal astro-navigation system. It performs a deep, comprehensive crawl of your website, detecting any technical SEO and architectural SEO issues that could be affecting your search engine visibility. There is a custom-built app available on the Wix App Market to integrate DeepCrawl into Wix.

  27. Semrush Integration: Semrush is like your website's space telescope, providing a detailed overview of your website's SEO, content marketing, competitor research, PPC, and social media marketing. Integrating Semrush with Wix enables you to optimise your website efficiently and keep an eye on your competition. SEMrush is integrated directly within Wix within the SEO Setup Checklist and the SEO Assistant features.

  28. Uberall Integration: Imagine Uberall as your site's interstellar communications device. It ensures your business's information is consistent and visible across all digital platforms, enhancing your online presence and helping potential customers find you more easily. You can easily integrate Uberall directly into your Wix website through the Uberall App within the Wix App Marketplace.

  29. Log Files: Log files are your site's mission log, detailing all server requests. Analysing these logs can reveal valuable insights about bot activity on your site, which can help you identify and address potential SEO issues. Wix, as of my last update, does not provide users access to server log files. However, you can gain insights about your site's crawlability and indexation by using Google Search Console.

  30. Smart Caching: Picture Smart Caching as your website's warp drive, accelerating your site's load times. It works by storing a version of your site on users' devices after their first visit, meaning subsequent loads will be significantly faster. This results in a smoother, more enjoyable user experience and improved SEO rankings. Wix automatically handles caching for you, so you can sit back and enjoy the speed of light!

Grow your business with the Wix SEO toolbox

And so, our grand symphony of Wix SEO tools reaches its crescendo. Each tool, like a finely tuned instrument in a grand orchestra, has contributed its unique melody to the harmonious whole, echoing the epic journey of business growth.

Think back to the introductory notes of our symphony – the Robots.txt Editor and Structured Data Markup. These tools, much like the diligent rehearsals before a performance, have set the stage for our presence in the vast auditorium of the internet.

We've added depth to our performance with the SSL Certificate Validation and the Google Domain Verification, the diligent conductors affirming our credibility and authenticity, winning the trust of our audience—the online users and the search engine algorithms.

The eloquent articulation of Bulk 301 Redirects and Dynamic XML Sitemaps have been our guiding sheet music, leading users through our website's narrative, while the vigilant scrutiny of Semrush and Lumar (DeepCrawl) are akin to our attentive sound engineers, fine-tuning our digital presence to stand out in the grand concert of competition.

Tools like Uberall have amplified our performance, ensuring it echoes through the vast halls of the digital world. Wix Analytics, much like a seasoned music critic, has offered us valuable insights, helping us refine our melody and rhythm.

The Smart Caching tool has accelerated our tempo, enhancing our website's speed and user experience, and the Mobile-friendly tool has ensured our performance can be enjoyed on any device, reaching a diverse audience.

This exploration of Wix SEO tools is reminiscent of a business's symphony of growth. Starting with a solitary note—an idea—carefully orchestrated using the right tools, effort, and strategy, it evolves into a beautiful melody resonating with success.

As we reach the finale of our symphony, envision yourself as the maestro of this grand orchestra, armed with a baton—Wix's powerful SEO tools. With these, you are prepared to conduct a performance that captivates your audience and echoes throughout the digital world.

So, hold your baton high, let the spotlight shine upon you, and guide your orchestra of SEO tools towards a resounding standing ovation. Here's to your business's grand symphony of growth – may your performance be as enchanting as a timeless melody!

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